Making Money From Writing??? - By Sean Michael Paquet

So I had a fellow reader ask me on Twitter how much money I expected to make from book sales. OK, here's the deal. I didn't write "A Game of Gods" to make money. The paperback price is the minimum sale price set by my publisher BookLocker at $20.99 as per their contractual obligations. After all is said and done I might see $6.00 of that. I set the e-book price at $3.99. Kind of a mid-range for e-books in this genre. for every e-book sale I will see maybe $2.50. Then of course there will be Uncle Sam's cut for taxes. So I am not writing to make a lot of money. If I make back what I spent on publishing, and promotions, that's good for me. Anything that is profit will go right back into further promotion.

I write books and articles because I have stories to tell. I feel that people will like my stories. I am told I have a talent for such things. Whether I do or not is irrelevant. What is relevant is that I have the opportunity now to disclose my world to you as the reader. Since it's been rattling around in my head since I was like five years old (seriously, ask my mom) it is a well realized world full of possibilities and adventures.

Do I plan to write more? Damned right I do! I am writing my second novel as we speak. It is titled "The Jarl's Shadow" and it chronicles the adventures of the sister of the main character in "A Game of Gods". It is also a tribute to my sister Amy Paquet, who took the next step in her journey towards spiritual ascension on 2 May, 2004. To me she was a dynamic person and her living existence was an adventure all of its own. Those who knew my sister Amy and my father Gene Paquet will know that they had a powerful bond that began when Amy was still a toddler. The Jarl's Shadow is their story. Now please excuse me while I wipe away a few tears and get back to my writing.


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