Pay Attention To Your Product - By Sean Michael Paquet

Hello everyone. A weird thing happened today. Another author by the name of Jennifer Shepard told me she loved my book and that she had bought it just today on Amazon in E-Book format. I was of course elated because I thought my E-book was finally available for purchase. So what did I do? I contacted BookLocker (my publisher). They informed me that my book was not yet available in E-book format. So I of course asked Ms. Shepard if she could provide me the link she used to purchase the E-book or at least the transaction of purchase receipt. No answer. Nothing. Bottom line folks. I check on my book several times a day on Amazon because like you I am waiting for the E-book to become available. That means I know whats going on with my product. Same as when I found out that was trying to sell my books at a higher price than advertised on Amazon. I also contacted them, and told them to knock it off. The paperback is $20.99 new + shipping and handling. Period. The Moral of the story. Pay attention to your product, especially if a 3rd party vendor is selling for you. If something smells like bullshit then it probably is.


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