Promotional Venture - By Sean Michael Paquet

Hello everyone! May I please have your attention! In the interest of promotion and to expand my list of faithful readers, I am offering a PDF copy of the FIRST THREE CHAPTERS of “A Game of Gods FREE to everyone who e-mails me.

Here's how it goes:

Send me an e-mail to:

In the Subject line please copy/paste the following:

A Game of Gods Chapters 1-3.

In the Body of the e-mail, please express your interest in reading the first three chapters.

Limits and boundaries:
This is copy-write material and intellectual property. It is for you, the reader. Not for some hack who wants to steal my idea. I have people and bots all over the internet watching the movement of my book. If it leaks without my knowledge and/or permission I will know within 24 hours exactly who leaked it.

If you like the first three chapters, please e-mail me back and let me know. Perhaps we can come to an arrangement.

As in all things...

Blessed be the Balance!


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