Teach if You Can But Remember You Know Nothing - By Sean Michael Paquet

Soooo.....interesting things have happened over the last few days. Firstly I helped (hopefully) a dear friend through some serious mental anguish and then we started doing talk about spirits and metaphysics. Awesome conversation and I pray to continue the friendship and see it grow. Then like the next day this guy hits me up on Twitter and started asking lots of questions about pyramid theory, energy, and astral projection. I thought it was really cool and I hoped I was able to help him out.

However comma....I am no teacher or even an authority on such things. I am just a guy who has asked a lot of questions and learned a few things. Life is ALL about learning. So yes please ask questions, if I know something, or have some gut level intuition about something I will be happy to impart that. But again...I am no final answer regarding anything, maybe just a guide from time to time. Learn your own truth. Be your own teacher. Ask the tough questions even if they are weird and crazy sounding to the world we live in. We only grow if we learn.


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